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People with disabilities

There are around 70 million people in the European Union (one-sixth of the population) with mild to severe disabilities. These people still face many obstacles when it comes to participating in social life on an equal and self-determined basis, to accessing employment and to procuring healthcare. The participation of people with disabilities is a key issue, also at European level. Guaranteeing equality and inclusion is a question of fundamental rights, and benefits the whole of society.

Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021- 30

In March 2021, the European Commission adopted the "Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-30". This ten-year strategy aims to improve the lives of people with disabilities in Europe and worldwide and builds on the results of the previous European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 strategy.

The new strategy comprises a package of measures and flagship initiatives in various areas and has the following priorities:

  • accessibility, a fundamental prerequisite for free movement and access to all areas of public and private life,
  • ensuring people can live independent, self-determined lives with a good quality of life,
  • ensuring equal participation, effectively protecting people with disabilities from all forms of discrimination and violence, guaranteeing equal opportunities and equal access to justice, education, culture, sport and tourism, as well as equal access to all health services.

The flagship initiatives include

  • EU disability card: The European Commission has proposed a European Disability Card that would be valid in all EU countries. The card will make it easier for people with disabilities to receive appropriate support when travelling to another European Union country. The negotiations are to be finalised by the European elections in June 2024.
  • Guidelines with recommendations on enabling independent living and inclusion in the community: People with disabilities should be able to live in accessible, assisted living facilities in the community or continue to live at home.
  • A framework for excellent social services for people with disabilities.

To implement the strategy, the European Commission has established the Disability Platform, which meets regularly to discuss the progress on the measures. In addition to the European Commission, the group includes representatives of the member states and organisations of people with disabilities.