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Eligibility requirements

Funding from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (EGF) is possible under the following conditions:

  • within a reference period of four months, there are at least 200 cases of redundancies of workers or of self-employed workers in an enterprise; this includes corresponding cases in suppliers or downstream producers;
  • within a reference period of six months, there are at least 200 cases of redundancies of workers or of self-employed workers, in particular in SMEs all operating in the same NACE Rev. 2 division and located in one or two contiguous regions at NUTS 2 level or in more than two contiguous regions at NUTS 2 level, in which case at least 200 employees or self-employed persons in two of these regions must be affected;
  • within a reference period of four months, there are at least 200 redundancies of employees or self-employed persons, in particular in SMEs, operating in the same or in different sectors of the NACE Rev. 2 division and located in the same region at NUTS 2 level.

Who can apply for support from the EGF?

Schaubild zur Antragsstellung

If the employee or employer side is interested in EGF funding, they should contact the BMAS or the Federal Employment Agency (BA) as early as possible if there are signs of large-scale redundancies or the abandonment of employment by self-employed persons. You can find the contact details here. Together with the relevant social partners, the BMAS will check whether the conditions for EGF support are met.

If the prospects of success appear good, the BMAS, as the EGF managing authority, submits an application to the European Commission. The application must be approved by the EU budgetary authority (European Commission, Council, European Parliament).

The transfer service provider entrusted with implementing the social plan will implement the EGF measures set out in the funding concept in close coordination with the BMAS and the BA.