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67 FEAD projects for disadvantaged people ready to start

The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) is starting the second round of funding

The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth have selected 67 projects that can be supported in a second round of funding through the end of 2020 through the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD). The main goal of the projects is pointing out existing counselling and assistance services to newly immigrated EU citizens and their children up to the age of 7 as well as to the homeless and those at risk of homelessness, thus improving their living conditions.

So far around 84,000 people in need of help have received advice and at least 85 % of them have taken advantage of existing assistance services. This means that almost twice as many people have received advice as was originally planned.

The main objective of the funding is to support counsellors who help FEAD's target groups to learn about, seek out and make use of existing support services. It is not possible to move them towards the labour market or provide material support. In particular, the goal of improving access for immigrant children up to the age of seven to early education and care services such as day-care centres and schools is to be promoted with more intensive support than was the case in the first funding round.

The projects were selected in the FEAD from 149 declarations of interest for the second funding round and should be able to start work beginning January 2019.

The FEAD has a total budget of around 93 million euros for the 2014-2020 funding period. The EU funding rate of 85 % is topped up with another ten percent from the Federal Government, so that project management organisations have to bear five per cent of the cost. The volume of funding for the projects in the second round in 2019 and 2020 amounts to around 40million euros.

The projects are implemented locally by municipalities in cooperation with project management organisations of non-governmental welfare institutions and/or other non-profits. Each project will receive funding ranging from 200,000 to 1 million euros for two years.