On 22 October 2018, State Secretary Leonie Gebers welcomed Kazakhstan’s Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Madina Abylkassymova, to the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. I am very pleased about the interest,
government is taking in the German social model and the question of how Germany is preparing for demographic change, the digital transformation of the world of work and other challenges for labour market policy. The social dimension, in particular, should be an important element of the partnership between the European Union and Kazakhstan. “That is why exchanges of ideas like today’s are so valuable
said State Secretary Gebers.
The discussion focussed on the topic of the future of work and the related question of how to prepare the workforce for the digital transformation. State Secretary Gebers stressed the importance of continuing education and training and explained the Federal Government’s plans for a national strategy for continuing education and training and legislation on opportunities for qualification. She also advocated the involvement of employers and trade unions in the relevant discussions and underlined the positive experience that Germany has had with the dialogue between business and labour on social issues and their strong partnership in this regard.
The Kazakhstan’s Labour Minister affirmed her interest in an exchange on the future of work and described her country’s latest reforms in the areas of education, digital transformation and labour market promotion.