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The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs’ Thematic Reader

What are the reasons that we Europeans should make a commitment to a union of strong welfare states? How can the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights be implemented at EU level? And what regulations do we need to ensure that all jobs in the EU are good jobs at a time when digital technologies are transforming the world of work?

More information on these and many other topics can be found in the BMAS' companion volume to Germany’s presidency. It contains just under sixty interviews, opinion pieces, analyses and academic papers, examining the BMAS’s key topicsin greater depth: These are "Our Social Europe –Strong Together", "Global Supply Chains –Global Responsibility" and "New Work –Human-centric Work". The companion volume includes an introduction by Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Hubertus Heil.

The thematic reader is available as a PDF file for download below: